Send to Kindle for PC makes it like shooting fish in a barrel to put content on your Kindle, whether it'south a free ebook or a Word document. You tin also email files to or transfer them over USB, the erstwhile-fashioned way.

Any documents you lot transfer over are stored in your Kindle Personal Documents online. When you buy a new Kindle, they'll exist automatically restored. You can also access your personal documents from Kindle apps on other platforms.

Send to Kindle for PC

Amazon's Send to Kindle for PC app is the quickest way to become free ebooks and other documents onto your Kindle.

After you install it, you'll find a "Send to Kindle" option in your right-click menu. You tin can apace transport documents to your Kindle without the hassle of emailing them or connecting cables.

Send to Kindle for PC also installs a virtual printer — select "Send to Kindle" while press and your certificate will appear on your Kindle.

Email to

Before the PC app was released, the official way to send documents to your Kindle without connecting a cablevision was sending it to your email address.

Before y'all can transport any documents, you'll have to ready your personal email address every bit an allowed sender. First, open the Manage Your Kindle page on Amazon's website and click the "Personal Certificate Settings" link nether Your Kindle Account in the sidebar.

Click the "Add a New Approved E-mail Accost" link and add your email addresses to the listing. Only addresses on this listing tin ship documents to your kindle.

Once it's added, y'all can email documents to your Kindle at the address that appears on the page.

Alarm: Documents sent to your address may exist delivered over Whispernet. Amazon pays wireless carriers for this service and charges a fee for Whispernet delivery. Yous tin email documents to instead of to ensure they're delivered over Wi-Fi, which is gratis.

Managing Your Kindle Personal Documents

Documents sent to your Kindle using the Send to Kindle app or the email address are stored online in your Kindle Personal Documents library. When yous get a new Kindle, they'll be automatically downloaded to your new Kindle, merely like your purchased ebooks.

Y'all can view and manage your Personal Documents library on the Manage Your Kindle page. Just click the "Personal Documents" link in the sidebar.

Utilise the Actions button for a book if you desire to delete it from your library or redeliver it to one of your Kindle devices.

Transferring Over USB

Transferring files to your Kindle doesn't have to involve the deject. Later on connecting your Kindle to your figurer with its USB cable, yous'll find it available as its own drive letter in the Computer window.

Just drag and drop ebooks and other documents to the Kindle'south Documents folder. If your Kindle supports audio, you tin can also place music and audiobooks into the Music and Aural folders.

Documents transferred to your Kindle in this mode won't be stored in your Kindle Personal Documents library or automatically transferred to your new Kindle.

Nosotros've also covered some ways to transport files to your Kindle from your browser. Check out the Kindlebility bookmarklet and the Transport to Kindle extension for Google Chrome if you're interested.

At the moment, this process just works with Kindle devices and the Kindle apps for iPhone, iPod and iPad. Amazon promises support for Kindle Cloud Reader, Kindle for Android and other platforms in the near future.

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